🗽Why we build ProtoL

To create true real world utilities for Web3 technologies

In the past crypto cycle, we have seen tremendous innovations in defi, storage & infrastructures. However, the outreach of Web3 is still limited to the Web3 community itself. In order for all the innovations to be used, it is important to create applications with real world utilities. It is precisely the trend that we have seen in all other technological innovations such as the Internet.

We believe it is the time to build the initial real world use cases for Web3, starting from utility NFTs. That is why we, as former builders in the infrastructure space, are determined to jump into the foreground and fight for the future of a decentralized world.

To reshape business<>consumer relationship

As we have seen from the Web3 communities, NFTs and airdrops create long lasting relationship & invite significant participation. NFT represents direct ownership and is the new way of decentralized connection. It is assets that cannot be manipulated or withdrawn.

In the near future, we expect to see NFTs being used more extensively as a tool for community building and eventually will reshape the consumer relationship.

To free small business owners from the platform trap

Currently, businesses & consumers are trapped by the big platforms and fighting against platform domination is precisely the mission for Web3.

Imagine a hotel brand listed on Bookings.com, it will be charged at least 10-15% fees by the platform. What's worse is that the hotel brand does not really own the customers(they are bookings.com customers, not the brand's).

However, NFT & Token ownership is platform independent. It is the perfect epitome of the brands<>consumer relationship.

For more details, read the article written by our CTO on the platform .

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